Tuesday, May 29, 2007

COTM | Randomness

Tuesday is the new Monday. Which means all ya'll are going to work on Saturday. Yay!

Sorry I didn't get this to you sooner....I've spent an unprecedented amount of time in the Houston airport the past 2 days and on a scale from 1-10, my motivation level is a staggering 0.2. Since I can't think straight, this Case of the Mondays is going to be pret-ty random. I'm practically delusional right now and I'm *this close* to getting on the NWA microphone to tell everyone to go home because our flight is canceled...again...for like, the 4th time...in 2 days. So here goes...
  • 80s Music : I completely forgot to this video into the Miami Vice/Pastel & Linens/Mullets & Hairspray mix a couple weeks ago. Now THIS is music. Take notes, R. Kelly. You may be that sick, perverted, lyrical genius, but you're no Rick Astley!
  • Prince: Speaking of lyrical geniuses, we all know how much I loooovves me some Prince. And if you didn't know, consider our friendship on hold. 07/07/07 is the day of truth. New album...new fragrance (unisex, no doubt)....new concert in Mpls. [thx rach] Let's all take a moment to reflect and watch one of my favorite SNL clips - The Prince Show
  • Propaganda: If I didn't already have great car insurance, I would buy me some Geico 'cause their commercials are great. On top of that, they pick the most obscure (yet amazing) British music...and dry humor. I'm sure you've seen this one ...but it's worth watching again. Whenever I'm feeling down...like when I'm stuck at Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport with a bunch of screaming children and no luggage....I play this and it makes me happy again.
  • TV: The first season of Martin was recently released on DVD [thx jenice]. And I almost forgot how hilarious that show was. Until I stumbled across this Sheneneh clip. Remember Sheneneh Jenkins? The sad thing is I've met several people like her...several.
Oh - my plane's boarding. Heck yeah. Well here's my advice: Never write an e-mail when you're delusional. 'Cause it's not gonna make sense in a couple hours when you've rested up and re-read it. Oh well. Enjoy, lol.

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: http://oh-mondays.blogspot.com/

Here's your MOS [Moment of Schadenfreude]. I know I'm wrong for this - especially since she's so sweet and deserved a shot at Miss Universe.

Monday, May 21, 2007

COTM | Tiara Day

"Just another manic Monday! [oh-woe] I wish it were a Sundaaaaayy [oh-we-oh]..."

Well first of all, I'd like to wish you all a happy "World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue & Development." And nope - I didn't make that one up. It's a real holiday....and it's today. And you all should be ashamed for not properly celebrating it. Unless, of course you're busy celebrating National Wait Staff Day or Sheep Day...'cause those are also today and I would totally understand if you felt overwhelmed by all the celebration. And don't even get me started on gifts! sigh.

Which brings me to the topic of the week: weird holidays. Gone are the days of anticipating major holidays - you know, the ones that drive our conspicuous consumption: Easter, Valentine's Day, Halloween, anything in December, etc. There's a holiday out there for every day of the year...and I think we should celebrate as many as possible. I'll go ahead and throw out a few that perhaps we can celebrate together. Forget a 4th of July boat cruise, let's get together for...
  • June 23rd: Let It Go Day | Yes gurrlll, let it go!
  • July 15: Be A Dork Day | This shouldn't be too difficult for me.
  • August 13: International Left Handers Day | Finally!...we will be recognized!
  • September 5: Be Late for Something Day | I'll leave this one alone.
  • October 13: International Skeptics Day | I don't know...maybe we shouldn't celebrate this one. Ok, yeah. Wait, no.
  • November 10: Area Code Day | 6-1-2!!!
  • December 22: National Haiku Poetry Day | Case of the Mondays; Anna has much time on hands; In need of new job
So this week, celebrate something different. Me, myself, personally?! - I'll be wearing a Tiara all day on Thursday 'cause it's Tiara Day. Oooh I can't wait!

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: In case you really feel like procrastinating and looking at old Case of the Mondays... http://oh-mondays.blogspot.com/

Here's your MOS [Moment of Schadenfreude]: Folks have sent this to me several times in the past week so I figured, why not pass it on? Honestly, I think Michael Jackson & Eddie Murphy should do another duet. But this time, without the Harlem Boys Choir. That's just wrong.

Monday, May 14, 2007

COTM | Schadenfreude

Snappy Monday to ya!

I hope you all had a great Mother's Day yesterday. And if you didn't, just watch this. It'll make everything better... gua-ran-teed! There's something about Mr. T that just makes me smile...

Actually, let me be honest. I like this video simply because Mr. T looks like a "fool" rappin' in those denim dukes...and everyone knows I pity the fool [mainly 'cause I've been the fool before]. Which brings me to my topic of the week: Schadenfreude - "pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune." Have you noticed that we [America] practically revolve around this? Ok, be honest, when someone bites it and falls down the stairs or stumbles, do you laugh? BE HONEST. Fibbers! I saw some of your reactions a few years ago when you watched this Fox News bit...

Yeah. That's what I thought. Now, I'm no supporter of Schadenfreude considering I've had my moments (Kaic & Dani - 'member that gun control commercial we were in?) ... but I know some of you all are ;-) You should be ashamed of yourselves! Being 2007 at all, it's so easy to see Schadenfreude at its best because of ingenious websites like YouTube and iFilm. Not only can you laugh at other people's misfortune, but you can replay it over and over again! God bless America and its semi-evanescent First Amendment. Unfortunately because of these sites, people have lost their jobs, friends, and/or dignity. It's a shame, really. I truly think that this week we should all try to avoid schadenfreude.

LOL - that was funny! I slay me. Since avoiding it altogether is impossible, here's my advice for the week: Always destroy the tape...always.

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: I may have to include a moment of Schadenfreude in every e-mail...is that wrong? I missed church yesterday and clearly the effects are immediate! sheesh!

Monday, May 7, 2007

COTM | Bad English

Top of the Monday Mornin to ya!

Ok, folks. Our language makes NO sense. Now don't get me wrong - I appreciate it (since I speak English quite fluently thank you very much)...but then again I'm American...and that's probably expected. So check this out...
  • We have 26 letters in the alphabet. 25 of them have one syllable, for simplicity I would imagine. But then you get to this jerk of a letter W...three syllables! On top of that, it isn't even a "double u" it's a "double v"! What tha?...
  • Ever notice how flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?
  • What about words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently. Think about these sentences: "I want to present the present," "the dove dove into the tree," "I wound the bandage around the wound," ...I can go on but I'll just get frustrated.
  • A hamburger doesn't have any ham in it, there's no egg in eggplant, and I still can't find the pine or the apple in a pineapple. That's just false advertising.
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification - I feel like this word can exist with less letters. Actually, I feel like this word shouldn't exist. Is there no better way to explain "the estimation of something as valueless"? I can think of a few.
  • The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English alphabet...random, I know.
So given the ridiculous structure of the English language, here's my two cents for the week: It's in your best interest to learn another language. May I suggest Pirahã? Only 150 people speak it and I really think it could have a come-back.

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!