I don't know how hot it is where y'all are, but over the weekend in East Chicago, Indiana & Chicago, Illinois (where I was) it was as hot as Lucifer's left armpit. And lemme tell ya, that's hot (roughly 90-somethin' degrees). Yup...it's summertime. I probably shouldn't be complaining considering it'll start snowing here in Minnesota in T-minus 7 days, but it's just getting unbearable!
As we're in the midst of summer, or as I like to call it, " the terrible effects of global warming ," I figure we could use a few pointers - ideas on how to get through a ridiculously hot summer...
- Go outside! Before the end of the summer, I plan on going jet skiing, spelunking, and snow-less tobogganing. What are you going to do?
- Always wear sunscreen! A few months ago I was in Jamaica with the fam and I was burned like whoa! (even though I had sunscreen on). It hurt. And it totally wasn't cute. You really can't get your groove back with aloe gel all over your face, but I digress...
- For you Minnesota Folks, go to The State Fair!!! Oh the goodness....Martha's Cookies...Grilled corn on the cob...caramel apples...Weird Al Yancovic?!?! Oh yes. You've never HAD so much fun.
- Volunteer! There are so many opps out there to do something in your community. This summer I've been teaching kids art (aka, the kids have been teaching me art 'cause I'm no artist).
- Change up your style! Jazz up your wardrobe/hair a bit and try something different. Like this . Maybe she's born with it...maybe it's Maybelline.
Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.
Have a great week!
p.s : Here's your MOS. It was resurrected this weekend (thanks Tash)...it's a goodie.
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