Is it July already? But summer just started like 10 days ago! Well, for all you Minnesota folks I guess it's about time to get ready for that first snowstorm. Enjoy the weather while it lasts.
Well this week is going to be a mash-up...seeing as July 4th falls on a Wednesday and what-not. You see, holidays distract me. And don't even get me started on Bastille Day - I cant get anything done. It's like nailing Jell-o to a wall. Sigh. Does this mean I slack today and tomorrow....or Thursday and Friday? Hmmm....let's shoot for all week. Yeah...that sounds good. Well here are a few very profound
things to think about - one for every day of the week 'cause I know you'll be slacking with me;-)
- Sweet Sixteen Update: Remember Audry (Aubry? Audra?) from last week. Yeah - the ungrateful one? Well you'll be delighted to know that her mom returned the new Lexus...and then bought her the one she wanted in the right color/specs....and then her brother totaled it....and then her mom bought her an Infinity G35...and the world kept turning although it should have stopped.
- Jennifer Holliday & Jennifer Hudson: The original Effie from Dreamgirls...and the new Effie.
This mess was better than VH1's Divas Live. If you only have a few moments to watch this, please fast-forward to 2:11 ... "Aaannnd IIII aaammmm telling you!" - it'll Jennifer Holliday looked at Jennifer Hudson like, "Look here little girl - you BEST leggo my eggo and hand me some Mrs.Butterworths now!"
- Paris Hilton: I'm not going to comment on this. Yes I am. I was only able to watch about 3.5 minutes of her interview with Larry King. Their voices together were like a sweet, sweet horrific lullaby that rocked me right to sleep. But honestly though, the only thing less intelligent than the words coming out of Paris' mouth were the words coming out of Larry Kings' mouth. I've never seen an interview so dumbed-down before: "do you think you'd be a load for someone right now? you think you've found yourself?...what don't you like about Paris Hilton?....are you going to go to mass?" - wait Larry, you canceled Michael Moore for this? For shame.
- Soul Glo: So random, but I had to share. Angel, thank you for finding this song for me 'cause 24 hours of searching is far to long this day and age. If you are a product of the 80s, you'll appreciate it. But take note: Language = NSFW [not suitable for work]. Save this one for lata. It's a keeper. Go ahead and file it under "all kinds of wrong." And that picture of DeBarge?!....luv it...
- Music Remixes: Now you all know that I live and breathe music (shout-out to the folks on my Wilin' out Wednesdays e-mail list). And here's me being old again. Now, I don't mind it when some rapper from Tuscaloosa, Alabama named Lil Buck Teeth releases a remix of Tina Turner's Private Dancer (fictitious example - but not far fetched)....but when it's completely WACK I take offense. And when folks don't know the original version, it irks me just as much, if not more than the word "irk." So here's an example of a remix done right. Kanye West remixing/collabo with one of my favorite 90s Daft Punk songs: Stronger. Headbanger, no doubt. Although it has been remixed more times than The Isley Brothers "Between the Sheets," but I digress.
Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.
Have a great week!
p.s: Speaking of music remixes, I'm going to present your MOS is picture form. I usually stay away from helpless children....but this one was just too easy. Guess whose child this is. Hint: He has remixed his look so many times over the years that when my mom saw him on TV she said, "Oh sweet Jesus. Who is that ugly woman?!"

LMAATWO (laugh my azz all the way off). i've definitely caught a case of the mondays!
Wow this was a intimate post.. I' m enjoying it.. ethical resource
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