Monday, June 4, 2007

COTM | Adults Say The Darndest Things!

It's JUNE already? Well I'll be! Happy Monday All!

Have you ever made a comment and then immediately thought, "oh shoot....I shouldn't have said that"? I least a few times a day. Like the time I asked my middle school teacher why her last name changed so many times.

Well I thought I'd start the week off with other people's "I failed to think before I spoke" comments. These are great!...

* George W. Bush: "The best way to defeat the totalitarian of hate is with an ideology of hope—an ideology of hate—excuse me—with an ideology of hope." - Fort Benning, Ga., Jan. 11, 2007

* Michael Jackson: "Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is share your bed with someone" - when British journalist Martin Bashir asked him about children sharing a bed with non-parental adults.

* Stewie [from Family Guy]: "There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive anymore."

* Britney Spears: "I get to go to a lot of overseas places, like Canada"

* George W. Bush: "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" - Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

Yes Mr. President, they is. Since we're talking about speaking before you think, did you all watch the Democratic Presidential Debate yesterday? HERE'S my highlight clip - John Edwards and Barack Obama discussing the War in Iraq. As you watch the beginning of this clip, please allow me to translate to my native tongue, "the truth":

Edwards: Hilary & Barry - I guess you all cast the right vote on the Iraq Spending Bill. Kudos. But you're lacking leadership skills. Right decision...not enough action.

Obama: Leadership skills?! John-John, let's be honest here. You're cosignin' on my stellar disposition. I've been against the war from the get. Act like you were too and we've got ourselves a problem... Oh - and I look like 10 times better than you in this here navy power suit.

Edwards: [cricket, cricket.....tumbleweed...]

Hilary Clinton: [thinking to herself] Hmm....he does look good though. What is that, Armani?

Haha! Given yesterday's debate my words of advice for the week are: Think before you speak. It may just land you that very important job . [exception to the rule: bush]

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: Happy Black Single Parents Week [I'm serious] - sponsored by the Chicago Black Single Parents Network

p.p.s: Here's your MOS [Moment of Schadenfreude]. It's actually 10 of them condensed into 2 minutes of visual goodness. David Letterman's "Top Ten George W. Bush Moments"

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