Monday, November 26, 2007

COTM | Bringing Texty Back


Sup? AWHFY? No? Ok, well J4YI, Oprah is SFE2E b/c of Obama. IOW, the YL is endorsing the QT. OMG! SWDYT? IMHO, WK?! FWIW, they're TBFFs. Poor Stedman.

If you didn't catch that, study this and then read below. If you did catch it all, me thinks you're a 13 year old girl.

Snapalicious, Monday is STILL vicious! What's Up? Are we having fun yet? No? Ok, well just for your information, Oprah is smiling from ear to ear because of Obama. In other words, the young lady is endorsing the cutie. Oh my goodness! So what do you think? In my humble opinion, who knows?! For what it's worth, they're totally best friends forever. Poor Stedman.

So how many of you have been caught in one of these conversations via e-mail/text?! They're almost as painful as being caught in a Chocolate Twankie convo. And trust you me, both are indications that the English language is dying a slow and painful death. You know what else will clue you into the current state of our national vernacular?...
  • You've had the above abbreviated person.
  • Sometimes, when you're frustrated, you say, "WTF?!"...outloud.
  • You participated in the LG National Texting Championship and lost because you couldn't text "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious if you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious" in less than 15 seconds.
  • You get confused when people speak normal English.
For the love of Merriam and Webster! I can't be the only one speaking [broken] English! Sheesh. My advice for the week? Let's all pick up a dictionary...and study it. Matter of fact, let's sign-up for Word of the Day e-mails. In fact, I'll keep SWOTD [Smart Word of the Day] going. It's's our livelihood!

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: Here's your MOS - makes you want to stop texting while driving huh?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

COTM | Turkey Day

Snapberry Sauce and Turkey! It's Monday!

Ugh. Is it Thanksgiving yet? No?! Sigh. I almost forgot to send this bad-boy out. Since I'm all over the place today, you're going to get my random thoughts. Minimal organization - just nonsensical bullet points! Mmmm...
  • Well, well, well....from the results of last week's poll it looks like your favorite Michael Jackson song is "Dirty Diana " - or as my nephew calls it, "Nasty Nancy." I'm surprised no one picked Jam. Shame.
  • Why is he not retired yet? How are you gonna claim retirement like several times and then come back?! What kind of an example does that set for our senior citizens?! I would hate for them to think that promising something to the people and then not keeping their word is ok! Oo-wee.
  • Is it Thanksgiving yet?!
  • Brace yourselves. If you caught the AMAs last night, then you caught a glimpse of Armageddon: Alicia Keys performed... and danced! [loved it] and Beyonce joined Sugarland to sing the country version of irreplaceable [irrevocable....that's 2:47 minutes of my life I'll never get back.]
  • Today is World Toilet Day - I know it may sound funny, but 2.6 billion people in the world are "untoileted" - from the report:"The lack of a safe, private, and convenient toilet is a daily source of indignity and undermines health, education, and income generation." I know this because it was in my work inbox this morning. Now that's how we should all start our Monday mornings.
  • I'll take extra mashed potatoes, gravy, corn bread, sweet potatoes, and a turkey leg to start please. Thanks. What was that? huh?'s not Thanksgiving yet?!?! Argh!
  • I want this dress for Christmas so I can get my Tina Turner on...but I could do without the song.
  • Can we bring this one back for old times sake? When I'm at work...feeling overwhelmed...or feeling like procrastinating, I just click this link and everything is better. I would pay good money to see this in person.
My advice for the week? Don't act like you're already on vacation - you'll never get anything done. Worse yet, you'll send out random e-mails to your friends and family with subliminal Thanksgiving menu options. Powerhouse it the next few days and then make the best of Thanksgiving [i.e. eat all you can and don't forget to make me a plate!]

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: Here's your MOS - that reminds me. I need to fill up my tank. Lemme hold a dollar!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

COTM | Thriller

Snapple Tropical Mango Antioxidant Water - it's Monday!

So I was going to wait 3 weeks for this, but this is just too good. In less than 3 weeks we will all be celebrating one of the most important days in like World History....

...the anniversary of Michael Jackson's Thriller! That's right December 1st [which is also World AIDS Day] is the 25th Anniversary of one of the best albums - with one of the weirdest alternative covers, but I digress. Oh Thriller. They don't make albums like that anymore. It's just amazing on so many levels. Shall we review? Here's how you know an album is the ish diddles and has ridiculous staying power....
  • Music Video: The Thriller video is like an actual movie - and that mess scared the bejeezuz out of me when I was little. For the record, never show a child "The Making of Thriller" - ever... especially while that child happens to be visiting Africa.
  • Publicity: MJ just made the cover of Ebony Magazine....and he's not even Ebony anymore! Influence.
  • Dance: I know the entire dance - and so do you - don't deny it. But... um... er... uh... when a detention center in the Philippines reenacts the entire video 24 years later?! Did I mention that this is a male detention center? So that unattractive woman you see at the beginning & figure it out.
  • Remakes: Chris Brown wasn't even born when this album was released. Fast forward to the end - it has a montage of his videos. Good stuff.
  • Album Sales: Thriller is the best selling album of all time! Purple Rain has to be a close second...if not, I'll cry.
  • Concerts: The Thriller tour was clearly one of the best ever. Ahh...1987...when I had a serious crush on MJ. This is also the year my bro JP got me MJ's Bad album and secured my happiness and bestest, awesomest brother in the world status. I still remember the day as though it was yesterday...."put the needle on the record"...
  • Songs: Thriller, Beat It, PYT, The Girl is Mine, The Lady in My Life, Human Nature...lyrical goodness!!! And I quote, " Where Did You Come From Lady, And Ooh Won't You Take Me There; Right Away Won't You Baby; Tendoroni You've Got To Be; Spark My Nature Sugar Fly With Me" - genius. Do you know how many folks have remixed his songs?!?!
Michael Jackson may be a little different... but he sure makes some good music! Since most of you aren't working anyways [you really shouldn't be reading this e-mail at should be ashamed] - I have a project for you. Remember the good times - think of your favorite Michael Jackson song and make that your theme song for the week. Oh - and let me know what it is!

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: Here's your MOS - I don't know...this kind of scared me more than the original video.

Monday, November 5, 2007

COTM | Dance Off!

Snappy il Coccodrillo! It's Monday!

Ok, as much as I want to comment on the current state of German cartoons about Egyptian crocodiles named Schnappi, I can't. There are more pressing issues at hand so
I'm gonna cut straight to the chase.

The 2008 Presidential Race is no longer about the issues. No, really. I've weighed each candidate's position on Education, Health Care, Foreign Policy, the Environment, Dental Floss and the like...and I just can't make up my mind. So my vote is going to be settled the old fashioned way...

...a dance off!

You guys may not think it's important, but having dancing abilities is crucial if you're going to be our next president. Don't know if you should cut taxes for the lower-income demographic? off . Fighting to provide better education in all school districts? off. I mean, let's be honest here - it worked for Kid n' Play in House Party - which of course, means it will work for our national government.

So who is our next president, you ask? Well if it's based on a dance off, then my home-skillet-ride-or-die-brotha-from-anotha-mutha Barry takes the cake. He's got a mean two-step. Watch-out now! He's about to " walk a whole in [his] Stacey Adams!"

What'd I'd pay to see Obama do the Souljah Boy. That would probably win my vote instantly. Let's watch him again in slow-mo...Good stuff.

So choosing a president solely based on dancing abilities isn't the best idea. But this notion does lead me to a greater message. My advice for the week? Notice "the other side" of folks. Realize that people are multidimensional [well...hopefully] and they have a fun side that needs to come out and play! Recess!

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: Here's your MOS - Obama dressed up as Obama?! This man is too cool for school.