Monday, February 11, 2008

COTM | Pina Coladas

Snap-a-colada! It's Monday!

Who needs a tropical vacation?! So last night I got back from New Mexico [lovely combination of crisp air, a bit of snow, and sun]...and when I landed in the Twin Cities it was about 5 degrees below zero - which isn't too bad if your heat works...but apparently mine doesn't [I know what you're thinking and yes I paid my bill...hater]...

Matter fact, my loft was 50 degrees when I walked in and a cozy 53 degrees when I woke up this morning from my frigid slumber. My building super brought me a space heater which I used to create a warm fort - along with a dining room chair, my couch, and my ottoman. And even though it read: "caution, do not cover or place items on heater" I most definitely slept on the space heater like it was a mattress. And now my legs look like a McGriddle, but that's neither here nor there.

Here go a few clues that you need a tropical vaca to get away from the cold weather...and for some of you, cold co-workers. If you've "lost" any one of these 3 crucial sensibilities, you just may need a Hawaiian Tropics vacation STAT! ...
  • Style: It's really not OK to show up to work in sweats, Uggs and a ski mask. It may "feel right," given the North Pole-esque weather, but you've simply gotten too comfortable and you really need to snap out of it.
  • Reason: I was at the MSP airport on Friday and as I passed the shoe shining area one of the shoe shiners tried to holla at me....and I actually considered stopping to talk with him. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against shoe shining as a profession - and this guy was a good 50 years younger than the last shoe shiner that tried to get @ me [yes, this is pretty much a routine at the MSP airport]. I think it's what he called me that turned me away. Something along the lines of "ayyyy-shawtaay..." And I was actually gonna stop! Get it....together.
  • That Lovin' Feeling: Have you lost it? When your co-worker asked you for those TPS reports last week, did you throw a Swingline Stapler at his head? When your boss asked you how your day is going did you stare, blink, stare and then walk-away without saying a word? Stop...think about it.
Sometimes we get so consumed in work and school that we forget to make time for ourselves - time for fun! And then we just go loopy. This week, plan a "vacation" - tropical, mental, whatever! Go to a concert, plan a road trip, check-out a new restaurant and if you're a baller, go to Belize or somethin' [you can send a ticket to my home address, thx].

Words of wisdom, words of wisdom.

Have a great week!

p.s: Here's your MOS - this movie will never get old [nsfw - language]. "Sounds like somebody has a Case of the Mondays!"

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